Black hat hacker is a term used in English, information technology, which refers to the hacker who broke security of computer systems without permission, generally with a view to accessing computers that are connected to the network. The term cracker proposed by Richard Stallman to refer to the hackers in this sense.
In common usage, hacker is someone who breaks into the computer, usually by obtaining access to administrative control. Some argued that the hacker, is depicted as a man who barged into the computer system through the way the world exists keamanannya.di hacker.komunitas hacker community is a community of people who have great interest in computer programming, often creating open source software. These people are now referring to the cyber-criminal hackers as "crackers".
How to make a hacker
Hacktivist; hacktivis are hackers who use technology to announce his social views, ideology, religion, or messages politik.Dalam more extreme cases, hacktivism is used as a tool for Cyberterrorism.
Rip off the computer; pave the computer is a typical example of how scenes security exploits SQL injection, through a security hole that may have resulted from sub-standard programming practices. Exploitation of others will be used by FTP, HTTP PHP, SSH, Telnet and some web pages.
Vulnerability scanner: A Vulnerability Scanner is a tool used to quickly check computers on a network to be known kelemahan.Hacker scanner.port also usually uses the port scanner is a tool to view the ports on a particular computer to access the computer, and sometimes will detect program versinya.firewall numbers to protect computers from intruders by limiting access to ports
Password cracking, Password cracking is an application that captures data packets, which can be used to steal passwords and other data in transit through a network.
Trojan horses: Trojan horses are programs that seem to be doing one thing, but actually doing so lain.Sebuah Trojan horses can be used to establish a back door in a computer system such that an intruder can gain access seckemudian ceremony. (The name refers to the horses Trojan horses of the Trojan War, with conceptually function deceiving the soldiers to bring an intruder inside.)
Virus: A virus is a self-replicating program that spreads by inserting copies of itself into other executable code or dokumen.Dengan Thus, a computer virus behaves like a biological virus that spreads by inserting itself into living cells.
Worm; Like viruses, worms also diri.Sebuah worm is a program of replication is different from viruses that spread via a computer network without interference pengguna.Banyak confused people confuse the term "virus" and "worms".
People from black hat hackers
Kevin Mitnick
Kevin Mitnick is a computer security consultant and author, before he became a most wanted criminal in the history of the United States.
Eric Gorden Corley
Eric Corley (also known as Emmanuel Goldstein) He is the founder hacker.Dia community has become part of the hacker community since the late 70s.
Gordon Lyon
Known as Fyodor, wrote about Security Scanner as well as many network security books and websites. He is a founding member of the Honeynet Project and vice president of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.
Solar Designer
Diesel is the name of the founder of Openwall Project.
Michal Zalewski
MichaĆ Zalewski is a leading security researcher.
Gary McKinnon
British hacker Gary McKinnon is facing extradition to the United States to face charges of perpetrating what has been described as the "biggest military computer hack of all time."
Many of those arrested and convicted within a reasonable time lama.Banyak the black former hackers who are employed in the security field komputer.lawan from black hat hackers are white hat hackers are hacker.Grey designation of those on one side and on the other hand helps destroy. One of the hackers who helped white (white hacker) to nickname