11 Juni 2010

Indonesian Hacker Attack Coalition Reply China-Malaysia

No thanks to the action of the coalition Evils virtual defacement of China and Malaysia, Indonesian hackers also directly respond to the attack last night. This time the victim is a Malaysian government website.

From the monitoring detikINET, Tuesday (6/8/2010) at about nine o'clock in the morning, the site is located at the posted http://hoshas.moh.gov.my/oldwebsite/ and http://hoshas.moh.gov.my/ clear red and white flag that flew with the words, DO NOT disturb INDONESIA, HEY Chinese / Malaysian, ur action is STUPIDhttp: / / lampungtengah.go.id.

It seems that cyber action Evils of this country as a response to previous actions, which attacked government sites lampungtengah.go.id. This is very clearly described by the content of messages posted on the Malaysia site.


this is my opinion to stupid malaysia

-> We already very patient to Indonesia hackers <-> Do you remember? May 28?. <
-> Indonesia's military invasion of Malaysia News! <-> Today We fought back to lead a Coalition operation! <-> BY: China / Malaysia Hacker Union <-> China and Malaysia, We Will give network security! <-> And please dont ever try to hack malaysia / china website again!

It seems that virtual Evils war drums have been sounded across the state. We'll see whether the coalition virtual Evils China / Malaysia immediately respond to the same thing.

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